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✓ Micro CHP

Microturbines for Cost Effective, Sustainable Small Scale Power Generation

✓ Mobile Generator Sets


✓ Backup Power

✓ Auxiliary Power

✓ Fuel Cell Integration

✓ Hybrid Vehicles

Access to reliable electricity is key to growth


Access to low cost and reliable electricity is key for development. There are disruptive changes on the energy market, driven by need for sustainability, energy efficiency and

There is a need to move from large central power generation systems towards smarter electrical grids that use many small distributed sustainable generating systems.

Stationary, mobile and transportation applications all need solutions that can fulfill new
requirements on sustainability.

Microturbine based small scale power systems offer solutions to many of the new energy challenges.

They can run on almost any primary energy source such as biogas, biomass, hydrogen, solar energy and be used for heat recovery. It is a sustainable solution that can be 100% CO2 neutral.

Compower offers fuel flexible, low emission and cost effective microturbines for use in small
power generation systems.


Our microturbines use all types of renewable fuels.

Compower's competitive position is built on our unique competence and experience on all aspects
of microturbine technology and systems and its applications.


We have experience from the power generation market and from high volume production in automotive and electromechanical industries.




Compower’s founders and team have a background from work with all aspects of microturbines and international automotive, aerospace and electromechanical industries.
We were pioneers in developing the first microturbines and its practical demonstration in vehicles and
combined heat and power application. We have had leading positions in microturbine companies in Europe and in the US where we have developed and commercialized a number of new

We have worked in many projects regarding new microturbine components and system solutions.


Compower will develop, manufacture and sell cost effective small microturbines for use in a
wide range of applications. We are aiming to become a world leading supplier of microturbines.

Our products will be environmentally sustainable and give the end customers substantially lower cost of energy and will be an important contributor to an environmentally sustainable society.

Our first product is a unit in the 5-10 kW power range, which we now are preparing for production. This will later be scaled to larger sizes and the technology be used in different system configurations.


We reach the market through close cooperation with integrators and marketing partners. Together we will secure the right design and system solution for a given application and use.

Our microturbine design is robust and suitable for volume production. A modular and scalable design
enable use of the same core technology in different system configurations. 

We closely follow development of new system solutions, related technologies and materials and will build a strong IPR position


How It Works

The Core Microturbine

The microturbine is a small gas turbine system for electricity generation. Typically it is in the
power range below 300 kW. It has a simple design using a high-speed permanent
magnet generator mounted on same shaft as the turbomachinery.

The high frequency electricity that is produced by the generator is converted to DC or standard frequency DC depending on application by a rectifier/ inverter. A recuperator (a heat exchanger) is normally used to achieve high system efficiency.

System Solutions

The microturbine solution which is most common on the market today consists of one shaft and the
heat is added by direct combustion. This solution fits many of today’s microturbine applications.

Driven by market requirements and new applications other more advanced systems are/ will be used.For example externally heated system that are suitable for use of biomass as fuel-Microturbines can also be integrated/combined with other technologies. One example is hybrid microturbine - fuel cell systems that have higher efficiency than basic fuel cell.

Development Potential

There is large development potential of the microturbine technology. Today’s microturbine technology represents a first generation.
One area of development are new advanced system solutions as mentioned above. They can be chosen to fit specific requirements of the application. Other important areas of development are use of ceramic materials, flameless heating solutions and new heat exchanger technologies.


⯀ Biofuels

⯀ Synthetic fuels

⯀ Hydrogen

⯀ Solar Energy

⯀ Heat Recovery


  • MicroCHP
    Small scale combined heat and power. Residential, offices, small industries
  • Biofuels applications
    Farms, forest waste, sewage gas
  • Concentrated Solar Power
    Can be made as combined heat and power systems and as hybrid systems (for operation 24/7)
  • Stand by power
    Buildings, industries, IT, Telecom
  • Generator sets
    Construction sites, events, food trucks, rescue service
  • Auxiliary Power Systems (APU)
    On board trucks, boats, trains, mobile homes

  • Battery chargers in hybrid vehicles
    Running on any green fuel such as green hydrogen



We will work with marketing partners and integrators. They will “package” the core microturbine / system in the end product and sell and support the end customers. They will be supported by Compower for integration and service.


Compower will develop and manufacture the core microturbine.
In the manufacturing process we will cooperate closely with a number of key suppliers of



Compower is currently owned by the team. We need capital to be able to exercise our business


If you are interested to discuss any of the above areas please contact us

Partners & Investors
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